Is It Legal to Shoot Coyotes at Night in Tennessee

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Active during the day (mainly active during the day)? Where this idea comes from, I just can`t understand, it doesn`t make sense to me, and it`s just not true. This doesn`t match what we see on our night vision goggles and cameras. Only hunger gets coyotes out during the day. Think of it this way: a 30-pound coyote needs about 390 calories just to maintain its weight, and it hasn`t even expended energy on hunting. During an average hunting night, the same coyote burns at least 700 extra calories. He has no choice, he has to spend energy to get energy. It`s a bit like your car, you have to burn gasoline to get gas. A coyote can`t go to Walmart or McDonald`s and get a bunch of greasy food and get obese sitting on the couch watching Facebook like humans can. They have to go out and look for their purchases, and they burn a lot of calories in the process. A coyote meal involves a lot of hard work, and they need a lot of nutrition to balance that work.

Simple meals come at night when their prey is outside, and have their vigilance below. The main prey of coyotes are rabbits and rodents, which also travel in large numbers at night, probably a lot because it`s cooler, and perhaps because they think they can`t be seen either. In any case, through our night vision goggles, we can see rodents and rabbits in the fields as they move. Coyotes hunt all night, and then they only go to their resting places for the day when hunger drives them there, as our observations prove. As I understand it, you can shoot coyotes at night that enter livestock or pose a threat to your pets. Is there a chance of TWRA allowing night hunting of predators? The deer in the photo on the left was killed by coyotes on the other side of our fence in the early morning hours of August 21, 2017. We jumped a coyote that ate on it around 8 a.m. while we were checking our fences. That afternoon, we dragged the deer carcass to our bait area, 90 metres from our back door. We killed five coyotes, three females and two males, in four days.

They came to eat a little, to get close to our weapons sights. Coyotes may or may not be diurnal, but I can tell you that they prefer to hunt at night and they have rounds that they do. You can observe them with night vision goggles, and they will be outside every night in familiar places like a clock. The only thing that will delay them is a good meal. They will religiously check the well-known good feeding grounds every night, which is why baiting works so well. You can observe the same area during the day, and if the coyotes don`t starve, they won`t go out. We attracted a lot of things, including almost all the table scraps. A hungry coyote will eat almost anything, but it will come back night after night to a meat meal, and the fresher, the better. Wild animals are not completely stupid, although any animal, including humans, can be trained with food or treats. When a farmer starts cutting hay, wild animals of all kinds immediately notice, knowing that many feeds will become available.

This is first noticed by swallows, which begin to circle the cutter and eat all insects when they enter the air. I saw coyotes coming into the field trotting in front of my wife`s tractor as she clutched bales of hay in search of exposed mice, dead rabbits and snakes. Once the hay is concentrated, the red-tailed hawks sit on the hay bales for the next few days, looking for exposed mice and rabbits. Electronic calls or live lures hunting wild turkey, fox and waterfowl (unless electronic calls are legal during the storage period for blue geese, snow geese and horse geese). Do you think the .17 WSM doesn`t hit hard? The target in this photo is a 4 x 4 x 1/4 inch steel target I made for our .17s. The 20-grain bale penetrated the steel to a depth of 1/3, with a circle of 7/16 inches. The small dot in the middle is the actual point of impact of the tip of the plastic ball. That`s a lot of energy from such a small sphere. Now you can see why it is so effective to kill coyotes. We have eight coyotes pushing daisies upwards (all killed with the .17) proving how good this rifle is. You can use the 25-grain sphere, but you give up a lot of litter.

For me, it`s about killing, my ego doesn`t need a hit on depressed power. I am not talking about an intruder in my house, six feet from me; I have other weapons for that. I want to kill a coyote 270 meters away from me, and I don`t care if it runs 50 meters before it falls dead like a doornail. I also disagree with hunters who think you have to shoot a deer with a 7mm Magnum or a .300 caliber Magnum Winchester that destroys half the carcass in the process, but that`s a story for another day. The first year we had the farm, 13 years ago, we saw six wild turkey chickens with thirty-five chicks. They searched for food every morning. We also saw several deer; Some do, a dollar or two and a few fawns. We noticed occasional coyotes trotting in the fields, but we mostly saw them on our neighbours` property where they raised a lot more cattle than we were. We hadn`t really seen a coyote hunting or attacking livestock, but we had heard many stories from other farming friends. Instead of considering peasant stories, we decided to research the topic instead of just killing the coyotes when we saw them. Coyotes can be hunted year-round in Tennessee.

Coyote hunters should not use predator calls, electronic light to amplify night vision goggles, thermal imaging devices or similar devices if they possess a firearm or archery while hunting at night. There is no baggage limit. We`ve done it now, we`ve put an entry alarm sensor on our bait, usually tossed pork fat, which coyotes just can`t leave alone. With the alarm clock in our room, we just go to bed. When the alarm goes off, we get up and kill coyotes. It`s as simple as that. It took us two years to figure out the best way to get a large number of coyotes without having to stay up all night, but now we`ve turned it into a science. The moral of the story is that if you, as a farmer, want to protect your livestock without spending money you don`t have, you`ll have to invest a small amount of money in a .17 WSM and a night vision device using the MPBR method. It will cost you about $1,000 per unit, but you`ll put it back on the first head you save. I am glad that this issue has been raised. I assume (we all know what “assume” means) that I can protect my livestock on my property from coyotes at night, right? I just moved from upstate New York to Tennessee.

I like to hunt coyotes at night. Looking at, I see where it says that electronically upgrading lights and equipment to find game is illegal. I assume they are night vision and IR devices. My question is: can you still use a laser sight here at night? If not, I have to remove it before hunting. I currently have a maglight and laser sight on my rifle. Please let me know if I need to delete them. Anyone who needs or wants a coyote partner in the East also admires me. Thank you.

Nevertheless, security problems have arisen. Some commissioners have acknowledged that the killing of coyotes is already allowed in certain situations, such as looting. According to New Channel 9, “The law states that landowners can kill wild animals that cause damage to their land or livestock, and imposes no restrictions. These coyotes were two of the five who came the first night to feed on the deer carcass.