Definition of Research Approach

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In experimental research, you systematically intervene in a process and measure the result. The validity of your research depends on your experimental design. Qualitative analysis is usually quite flexible and depends on the researcher`s judgment, so you need to think carefully about your decisions and assumptions. You can also choose a mixed-methods approach where you use both qualitative and quantitative research methods. In the field of science, different researchers assign different meanings to the term “research approach”. However, the research approach is simply a general plan and procedure for conducting the study. Therefore, research approaches can be divided into five categories: In the abductive approach, the research process is dedicated to explaining “incomplete observations,” “surprising facts,” or “puzzles” that were specified at the beginning of the study. Regarding the same research topic, you can note that labour migration within the EU has actually reduced the extent of cross-cultural differences within the teams of Dutch private sector organisations. Data is the information you collect for the purpose of answering your research question. The type of data you need depends on the goals of your research. Let me explain the research approach for the following study: When you study a new research question, you probably need to collect primary data. However, if you want to synthesize existing knowledge, analyze historical trends, or identify large-scale patterns, secondary data may be a better choice. The following table illustrates the main differences between deductive, inductive, and abductive research approaches related to logic, generality, data use, and theory.

[2] A research approach can be considered a historical study if it has been developed to allow for a much deeper understanding of historical processes and not just to fill in the gaps in your factual knowledge. The choice of an inductive approach through thematic analysis (a “data-driven” approach) of the study indicates that the purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of a phenomenon. It does not focus on testing the hypothesis. The methodological study is used to test or improve new research methods. It deals with the development of a specific technique for the discipline or the adaptation of a technique from another discipline to solve a particular problem. The relevance of the hypotheses to the study is the most important point of differentiation between deductive and inductive approaches. The deductive approach tests the validity of existing assumptions (or theories/hypotheses), while the inductive approach contributes to the emergence of new theories and generalizations. Abductive research, on the other hand, begins with “surprising facts” or “riddles” and the research process is dedicated to explaining them. [1] However, it appears that the choice of one research approach over another significantly limits the scope of the study. As Creswell and Clark (2011) noted, one approach cannot answer all the questions that might arise during the exploration of a topic.

To allow for a more comprehensive study, researchers should have access to all available research tools. The dichotomy should therefore be reconsidered and researchers should master both types of approaches. When choosing the research approach, the research objective and problem must be taken into account. In descriptive research, you collect data about your field of study without intervening. The validity of your research depends on your sampling method. Primary data is any original information you collect for the purpose of answering your research question (for example, through surveys, observations, and experiments). Secondary data is information that has already been collected by other researchers (for example, in a state census or previous scientific studies). Discussing the research approach is an essential part of any scientific study, regardless of the field of research. In the methodology chapter of your thesis, you will need to explain the main differences between inductive, deductive and abductive approaches.

In addition, you should specify the approach you took to your research by dividing your arguments into several points. The methodology refers to the overall strategy and rationale for your research project. It`s about studying the methods used in your field and the theories or principles behind them to develop an approach that aligns with your goals. The entire research process will be devoted to testing this hypothesis. The assumption will prove to be good or wrong at the end of the research process. In the field of science, different researchers may assign different meanings to the team research approach. In some publications, you can see that the research approach may involve methods of data collection and analysis in general and differences between qualitative and quantitative methods in particular. It attaches great importance to methods of data collection or generation. However, it places less emphasis on analytical techniques than on data interpretation. In addition, an inductive approach primarily uses the detailed reading of secondary data to derive concepts, topics, and models.